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Unraveling the Beef: Debunking Meat Myths and Separating Fact from Fiction — No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant + Coach

Unraveling the Beef: Debunking Meat Myths and Separating Fact from Fiction — No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant + Coach

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Fact from Fiction

By: Meghan Prescott

There are a lot of strong feelings out there these days about meat! There are documentaries, articles, and lots of news media telling us we need to stop eating meat for ourselves and the planet. So, what’s the deal with all of this? Let me start off by saying that, like anything in the world of nutrition, we need to do our homework. Ideas and sentiments around food and ways of eating can become dogmas very quickly if we’re not careful. If they have a strong emotional bent to them, the intensity around these issues can become overwhelmingly strong, but that doesn’t mean the ideas are based in good nutrition science. I’m not going to tackle the arguments against meat in this blog, but I’m going to make a case for why ethically raised, organic, and regeneratively produced meat is a good thing for us, our planet, and the animals themselves.

First, meat is good for us. Meat is one of the most nutrient-dense foods we could possibly eat, and the nutrients in meat are extremely bioavailable to us. Our digestive tract is perfectly designed to break down, digest, and absorb the nutrients from meat very efficiently. In a food shortage situation, if all we had to eat was meat, we would not only survive but thrive! The proteins in meat help to build every cell in our body, and the fact that protein and fat are packaged together in meat provides the perfect environment for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2. These vitamins are abundantly found in pasture-raised meat and eggs; they are easily absorbed by the body and are largely absent from modern diets full of processed foods.

Second, we need to consider the environment. Sustainably raised animals are not a detriment to the environment; they are a critical part of good land management. Ruminant animals such as cows and bison feed on grasses and can help to maintain grasslands, which anchor soil, prevent erosion, and create the perfect carbon sink. These animals’ ability to naturally fertilize as they move as a herd provides exceptional quality to the soil and maintains a healthy soil microbiome. When other animals such as chickens, pigs, and rabbits are allowed to follow the herd, we can mimic nature and maintain an incredible ecosystem. So-called “plant-based meats” are made in factories, or plants, if you will. The amount of emissions created by these plants and the amount of suspect ingredients in these “foods” leave a lot of questions. So, are they better for the environment than pasture-raised animals? The musings about methane from cows creating massive CO2 problems are suspect at best and need much more critical thinking and unbiased observation before this idea is accepted as fact. Visit https://polyfacefarms.com/ and https://savory.global/ to see how responsible land management just might be the solution we’re looking for with many of our environmental concerns. A book recommendation on this topic is “Sacred Cow” by Diana Rodgers, RD.

But what about the animals? I would contend that the reality of our need to sustain our lives through nutrition necessitates the reality that something must die to provide life. This happens no matter what type of diet we eat. In every form of agriculture, whether raising plants or animals, there is naturally some kind of death involved. It’s part of the natural cycle of life. We like to shelter ourselves from the reality of death in our modern, cushy lives, but it’s a modern-day luxury to be able to do so. In all forms of agriculture, whether it’s insects, rodents, or the animals we raise for food, there is death involved in the process. One of the biggest differences we can make is in our choices about which aspects of this industry to support. We can support local, regenerative farmers and ranchers who care deeply about the lives of their animals, how they are raised and harvested, the land they raise them on, and the land on which they grow and cultivate nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits. We can make a difference by supporting these local farmers and ranchers, making their methods of producing our food more accessible and sustainable for future generations!

Are you looking to get even healthier? Are you interested in learning more about eating sustainably? Could you use some help figuring out where to shop to support local farmers? Curious about how nutritional health coaching can help you make healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit www.noshoesnutrition.com and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with people from all over the world individually or in groups, so don’t let anything hold you back!