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The Surprising Benefits of Buckwheat Honey

The Surprising Benefits of Buckwheat Honey
The Surprising Benefits of Buckwheat Honey

Buckwheat honey, known for its dark colour and rich flavour, offers a unique twist in the world of honeys. Sourced from the white flowers of the buckwheat plant, its distinctive taste can be quite strong, which some people love, while others might need time to appreciate. But beyond its flavour, what really sets buckwheat honey apart are its health benefits.

In this article, we’re going to explore not just its taste, but also the many ways it can be good for your health. From its nutritional value to its wellness advantages, we’ll uncover why buckwheat honey is more than just a sweetener – it’s a health-boosting natural product. Let’s dive into the benefits of buckwheat honey and discover its role in a healthy lifestyle.

What is Buckwheat Honey?

Buckwheat honey is a unique variety of honey that comes from bees that forage on the buckwheat plant, a fruit related more closely to rhubarb than wheat. This plant blooms with small, white flowers that are a rich source of nectar.

Origin and Production

Buckwheat honey is primarily produced in North America, particularly in Canada and California, and in several countries in Europe, including Poland, Russia, the Netherlands, and Germany. It’s also a significant product in China.

The production of buckwheat honey is closely tied to the cultivation of buckwheat plants. In regions like Italy, where buckwheat cultivation is less common, buckwheat honey is often found as a component of multifloral honeys rather than as a monofloral variety.

The honey’s availability and characteristics can vary based on where the buckwheat plants are cultivated. However, the unique qualities of the honey remain consistent across different regions.

Distinctive Features

Colour and Taste: Buckwheat honey is much darker than typical honey, often exhibiting a deep amber or dark brown hue. Its flavour is strong and earthy, with a malty sweetness that sets it apart from other types of honey. Some people might find its boldness a bit overpowering at first, but it’s a taste that can be appreciated over time.

Scent: The aroma of buckwheat honey is as distinctive as its flavour. It can be quite pungent, sometimes described as similar to a barnyard or molasses. This unique scent is a result of the complex compounds in the buckwheat nectar.

Nutritional Profile: Although all types of honey share a basic composition, buckwheat honey stands out due to its higher concentrations of macronutrients, trace elements, and vitamins. It’s particularly rich in antioxidants, which contribute significantly to its health benefits​​​​. Studies have shown that buckwheat honey has higher levels of these beneficial components compared to other types of honey.

buckwheat honey

Composition of Buckwheat Honey

Buckwheat honey is much more than just a simple sweetener. It has a complex composition that includes various sugars, vitamins, and minerals.


The primary sugars in buckwheat honey are fructose and glucose. These natural sugars give it its sweet taste and are also responsible for its energy-boosting properties.

Vitamins & Minerals

While honey is not typically a primary source of vitamins and minerals, buckwheat honey does contain these nutrients in trace amounts, contributing to its overall nutritional value.

Minerals: This honey is particularly rich in minerals like iron, manganese, and zinc. These minerals are essential for several body functions, including immune support, bone health, and wound healing. The content of these minerals in buckwheat honey is higher compared to other types of honey, such as manuka honey​

Vitamins: While the vitamin content in buckwheat honey is not as high as its mineral content, it does contain some vitamins in trace amounts. These include vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties and role in boosting the immune system.

Properties of Buckwheat Honey

Diving deeper into what makes buckwheat honey special, we discover that it’s not just rich in nutrients. It also boasts a range of compounds that are incredibly beneficial for health.

Antioxidant Properties: Buckwheat honey’s high antioxidant content is one of its most notable properties. These antioxidants are key in fighting oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to various health issues. By countering this stress, buckwheat honey’s antioxidants contribute significantly to immune system support and potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Antibacterial Properties: This honey exhibits strong antibacterial activity. It has been found effective against certain bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, making it comparable to other known antibacterial honeys like manuka honey. This property is particularly useful for respiratory tract infections and wound healing.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Alongside its antioxidants, buckwheat honey possesses anti-inflammatory properties. This can be especially beneficial in reducing inflammation associated with various conditions, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Volatile Compounds: Studies have shown that buckwheat honey contains over 100 volatile compounds, with many furfural derivatives and 3-methylbutanoic acid being predominant. These compounds contribute to its distinctive aroma and may corroborate with its unique taste and physicochemical properties.

Phenolic Profile: The phenolic profile of buckwheat honey, as analyzed through HPLC, is consistent across samples, with p-hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric acids being the main components. These phenolic compounds play a crucial role in the honey’s overall health benefits, especially its antioxidant and antibacterial activities.

Health Benefits of Buckwheat Honey

Here’s a look at some of the ways buckwheat honey can improve your well-being:

1. Can Soothe Coughs and Sore Throats

Buckwheat honey is known to be effective in treating coughs. Studies suggest it can soothe the throat and reduce cough symptoms, offering a natural alternative to over-the-counter remedies.

2. Boosts Immune Functions

The antioxidants in buckwheat honey help strengthen the immune system, protecting the body against illness.

3. Improves Gut Health

Buckwheat honey enhances the growth of beneficial gut bacteria like Bifidobacterium. Its carbohydrate components, including various oligosaccharides, act as prebiotics, promoting digestive health

4. Helps Heal Skin and Wounds

Buckwheat honey is effective for skin care, particularly in healing wounds and treating skin infections due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help with skin conditions like eczema and acne​​.

5. Supports Heart Health

Buckwheat honey, like other honeys, is rich in flavonoids – natural compounds known for their heart-protecting qualities. These flavonoids help in several ways, such as improving blood flow in the heart’s arteries (coronary vasodilation), reducing the risk of blood clots, and preventing harmful cholesterol buildup. They also increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and improve the health of blood vessel linings (endothelial function).

This combination of actions can reduce the risk of heart diseases. However, it’s important to remember that more extensive studies are needed to fully understand honey’s impact on heart health.

For detailed information on the cardiovascular benefits of honey and the underlying molecular mechanisms, you can refer to the document “Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine”.

6. Regulates Blood Sugar

Buckwheat honey is known for its lower glycemic index (GI) compared to regular table sugar. This means it releases glucose into the bloodstream more gradually, which can be beneficial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

It’s a potentially better option for those needing to manage their blood glucose, particularly for individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes. However, like all sweeteners, buckwheat honey should be consumed in moderation to avoid adverse effects on blood sugar levels.

7. Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage

Buckwheat honey helps protect your body’s DNA from damage by harmful substances known as hydroxyl radicals. This is important because keeping DNA healthy prevents changes that could lead to health problems. The honey’s antioxidants, especially certain natural acids, play a big part in this protective action. This means buckwheat honey could be really good for keeping your cells healthy over time.

8. Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases

The antioxidant activity in buckwheat honey can help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and lead to these diseases.

9. Helps With Inflammation

Its anti-inflammatory properties make buckwheat honey beneficial in managing conditions that involve inflammation, such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.

10. Promotes Better Sleep

Buckwheat honey may improve sleep quality, making it a beneficial addition to nighttime routines. Studies, including a clinical trial at the University of Saskatchewan, have found that honey can enhance sleep more effectively than melatonin. Honey’s sleep-promoting effects are attributed to several factors:

  • Energy Supply for the Brain: While sleeping, the brain uses glycogen stores in the liver for energy. Consuming honey before bed helps supply the liver with this essential energy source, supporting uninterrupted sleep.
  • Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels: Honey before bedtime can stabilize blood sugar, preventing wakefulness caused by hunger pains or blood sugar dips during the night.
  • Tryptophan and Melatonin Production: Honey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that’s a precursor to melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. This may aid in initiating sleep and promoting recovery during sleep.

These findings suggest that honey, including buckwheat honey, can be a natural and effective way to improve sleep quality. However, it’s important to note that more comprehensive studies are needed for a definitive conclusion​.

Comparison of Buckwheat Honey with Manuka and Regular Honey

Buckwheat Honey vs. Manuka Honey

Buckwheat honey, renowned for its potent antioxidant capabilities, offers a different set of benefits compared to Manuka honey, which is highly valued for its exceptional antibacterial properties.

While buckwheat honey is rich in antioxidants such as phenolic compounds, contributing to its health benefits like DNA protection and enhancing gut health, Manuka honey contains Methylglyoxal (MGO) providing it with potent antibacterial capabilities.

This makes Manuka honey particularly effective in wound healing and infection treatment. Buckwheat honey’s dark colour and robust flavour also set it apart from the more earthy taste of Manuka honey.

Buckwheat Honey vs. Regular Honey (like Clover Honey)

Regular honey, which is often lighter in taste and colour, is good for general health uses like soothing a sore throat. Buckwheat honey, however, has more antioxidants and minerals like iron and zinc, giving it a health edge, especially for boosting your immune system and potentially helping with sleep. It’s also known for its unique strong flavour, making it stand out from the milder taste of regular honey.


Buckwheat honey stands out for its health benefits, despite its unique, strong flavour that may not be everyone’s favourite. This dark, rich honey offers more than just sweetness. It helps boost your immune system, supports digestive health, aids in healing wounds, and might even protect your cells.

When compared to Manuka honey, known for its antibacterial properties, and regular honey, which is a mild health booster, buckwheat honey’s high antioxidant content makes it especially beneficial. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about how it can contribute positively to your health. Adding buckwheat honey to your diet is a natural way to take a step towards better health.