
Care Health

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Oh, What A Night! Tony’s First Communion

Oh, What A Night! Tony’s First Communion

Tony celebrated his First Communion with his classmates and their families on Saturday evening. I’ve been going back and forth with what to share, who to share it with, how personal to get with ALL THE THINGS, and I don’t even know where to start. All I know is that I’m super proud of this guy and his friends. I could’ve cried all mass [actually, if you saw me, you probably would’ve guessed the tears were coming!] just knowing their little hearts were ready to experience this special sacrament. Plus, I’m a kid at heart and his 2nd grade buddies are practically an extension of my friend group. If you see me at school, chances are I’m with Tony and his little rat-pack. They are entertaining, funny, and so full of LOVE.

Just a few of our 2nd grade favorites. Ok, Mom’s 2nd grade favorites. Dan to the left and Luca in the middle!
While I’m kinda BFF’s with some 2nd graders, it’s really the 2nd grade families that have become an extension of our family. Apparently Michael and I need a nap or a reminder to look at a camera and smile!

Really though, Tony’s celebration was a reminder to me that a little love goes a long way. In fact, that was the premise of Fr. Jim’s homily: Jesus was here on earth to show us how to love another, imperfections and all. By taking the body of Christ, we are taking Jesus out into the world with us, to be a light of love and hope for others. 

Tony: “Why is Lily acting like this is her 1st Communion?! She’s so dressed up!” Gotta love siblings!

I didn’t really feel like a light this weekend. In fact, I felt more like a tsunami made of tears. Saturday when I was driving around town from games to CVS to Ted’s house and beyond, the tears were streaming quite a bit. And when Lily asked, “Mom, why are you crying?” Joey stepped in and said, “guys, remember, when Mom’s feeling a lot, it comes out in tears.”

That’s love. That’s light. 

I LOVE that my people get me. I also love that this is a representation of our family. Red dress. Untucked Michael. And Joey’s face. Oh and MOM OPEN YOUR EYES!

You know what else is love? Tony and I are still feeling the emotional hangover of the weekend. The build-up and now the normalcy. But as I told him this morning, tearing up and letting the waterworks flow is NOT a bad thing. Our body is HELPING us settle when we let the tears flow…

Can my Twin Flame also by my child? Asking for a friend…

Ok, now don’t get all worried that Tony and I are just crying our eyes out over here. Not the case. We are back to normalcy today. School, work, homework, basketball, dinner, bedtime. But love is knowing that even amidst the chaotic days and the slow days, God’s got us. And while somedays I question that very statement, I look to my children to be the reminder of God’s love, and to know that just for today, we are MORE than ok.

PASS THE KLEENEX PEOPLE! We’ve got a long week ahead….