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National Infant Immunization Week | The Nutritionist Reviews

National Infant Immunization Week | The Nutritionist Reviews

National Infant Immunization Week | The Nutritionist Reviews
National Infant Immunization Week is April 24th-30th this year. I’ve talked quite a bit about vaccines on here and about how we get our kids vaccinated according to CDC guidelines and according to our pediatrician’s recommendations. National Infant Immunization Week focuses on the importance of vaccinating kids ages 2 and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases.

We are past the infant stage now- my youngest Lily will be 4 this summer already! Though, I remember all of the monthly or every couple of month visits at the pediatrician which was complete with shots when they were babies. While it can be tough seeing your little one get a vaccine, it is so important to keep them protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. 

A great way to make sure that your child is up to date on their vaccines is to make sure they are getting their well-child visits where you can ask the doctor about their vaccinations. I always thought it was helpful because our pediatrician has a schedule when kids are supposed to get each vaccine so you know what to expect.

With COVID-19, some people missed or delayed well child checkups and therefore, delayed vaccines. It is so important to stay up to date on these appointments and vaccines and get back on track! Most parents do choose to vaccinate their children. It is recommended that kids get the vaccines they are supposed to by age 2 to prevent serious illnesses like whooping cough and measles.

My kids are now 8, 6 and 3 and we still stay on top of vaccines. This summer at Lily’s 4-year-old well visit, she will have to get 3-4 vaccines that my other kids got at that age. Vaccines are considered safe and effective. They are also successful at preventing disease and death by preventing and reducing disease.

If you have any questions about vaccines, talk to your kid’s pediatrician and check out I Vaccinate. I’m happy to partner with I Vaccinate to share information about the importance of vaccines. I Vaccinate provides information & tools based on real medical science and research to help Michigan parents protect their kids.

I’ve partnered with I Vaccinate to share my story- this content is sponsored by I Vaccinate.