
Care Health

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Introducing ÄRA – Protein Powder For Hot Coffee

Introducing ÄRA – Protein Powder For Hot Coffee

I’m very excited to introduce you guys to a brand new product from my newest collaboration partners Magnum Essentials that’s going to allow you to boost the taste, texture and protein content of your next cup of coffee.

Meet ÄRA – a protein powder formulated for use in hot coffee.

My regular readers will know me as someone who has spent a great deal of time researching and writing about the numerous health benefits of moderate coffee intake.

Today, I’ll explore some of the scientific and happily human benefits of incorporating this product in your daily routine. 

The exploration will include: 

  1. An intro to the ÄRA product range
  2. A discussion of the role of protein-enhanced coffee 
  3. My views on who the ideal ÄRA user might be

Let’s get to the good stuff!

An Intro To ÄRA 

ÄRA offers you the opportunity to easily and enjoyably add 10 grams of high quality hydrolyzed whey protein to your coffee or other hot breakfast items like espresso, tea, matcha or even in your morning oats!!

Hydrolyzed whey, for those who may not know, is a pure protein which is among the most rapidly digested and highest quality forms.

Since the lactose is removed during the filtration process, hydrolyzed whey is an exceptional choice for those who don’t tolerate it well.

ÄRA Is available in 5 epic flavours:

  • Vanilla
  • Mocha
  • Caramel
  • Hazelnut
  • Natural – technically not a “flavour”, for those who like their protein to have a neutral taste profile.

Mixing ÄRA into your coffee will add a creamy sweetness that dissolves seamlessly and clump free.

ÄRA also checks a number of boxes from the perspective of dietary restrictions and preferences.

These include being:

  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Free
  • Keto Friendly 
  • Non GMO

So far so good right?

And we haven’t even gotten to the protein part yet.

The Role of Protein-Enhanced Coffee

Statistically speaking, most people drink coffee most days and often have more than one cup per day.

Myself personally, I’m most likely to have coffee at the early and mid points of my day.

Many people drink coffee during these windows and often pair it with a meal or snack.

The dietitian in me knows that, for the vast majority of my clients, post-meal satiation during these moments of the day is of the utmost importance.

The best way to ensure a snack or meal is satiating is to ensure it contains meaningful amounts of fibre and protein.

Studies have demonstrated that a moderate boost in protein content (~12 grams in this study) of one’s afternoon snack has the potential to reduce afternoon hunger, time until one’s next meal and the amount consumed at dinner.

Clearly we cannot underestimate the value of additional protein at a meal or snack, and those seeking more satiation during those times of day are obvious candidates to bring ÄRA into their routine.

Who Would Benefit Most From This Product?

As a dietitian who is quite familiar with the average daily routine, I’ve got a strong sense of who might benefit most from using a product like ÄRA.

Here are some of the characteristics that make you a good candidate, in my opinion.

You regularly drink coffee or other hot beverages at meal or snack time

The additional 10 grams of protein per serving will improve the satiation value of your meal/snack. 

For those looking for an even greater protein punch, doubling up is always an option!

You have moderate to high daily protein goals that you struggle to reach

Whether you are an athlete, active person or simply someone trying to utilize better nutrition to optimize your body composition ( muscle/fat ratio) – you’ll need more protein than the average person.

A “normal” protein intake is considered around .8 grams per kilogram, but in order to leverage the body composition benefits of protein intake you are looking at achieving a minimum target closer to 1.2-1.5 g/kg and even higher than that if you are heavily involved in resistance training. 

The extra protein provided by ÄRA will do more than just offer satiation and satisfaction in the moment, it can help boost your daily protein totals too.

I appreciate that it isn’t always possible or desirable to hit ambitious protein targets using exclusively whole foods – that’s where ÄRA comes in .

You are already enhancing or purchasing enhanced coffee 

If you need the extra protein and/or flavour boost but are using low-protein additives or very small amounts of higher-protein milks, ÄRA is better suited to the task.

Even if you don’t want to disrupt your coffee’s natural taste, but do want the protein, ÄRA comes in “natural” variety too.

As a lover of the natural taste of coffee, this is actually my favourite ÄRA variety!

You are all about grab and go convenience 

If you are anything like me, you never know when the urge for your second, third or fourth coffee might hit.

ÄRA is as flexible as you are, being highly portability and perfectly suited for people who live an on the go lifestyle.

Above all else, if the product speaks to you and you are looking to have some more fun with your coffee – you really don’t need another reason to give this product a shot.

Ready To Get Your Hands On Some ÄRA?

Click through below to be taken directly to the official ÄRA online shop!!

AND…. Use the code “Andytherd” for 15% off your purchase!!

Andy De Santis RD MPH