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Edible Single Serving Cookie Dough

Edible Single Serving Cookie Dough

This 10 minute single serving cookie dough is safe to eat raw, because it doesn’t have flour in it (oats instead) and is egg-free. It’s gluten free, and just as delicious as my favorite One Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie.

chocolate chip cookie dough on stack of plates

Food Safety Considerations

There are 2 main reasons to not eat raw cookie dough: raw flour, raw eggs. Pretty much, risk of e coli and salmonella being in either the flour or eggs is higher. That’s why this single serving cookie dough has oats and no eggs in it.

Heat kills both bacterias in flour and eggs, but because flour isn’t mixed with other ingredients, then baked, the bacteria might not be killed. Food scientists say that since flour is so dry, heat alone might not be able to kill all the bacteria in it.

Not just that, but adding liquids to make cookie dough, not baking it, and then possibly refrigerating it after-well all of those actions create an even better environment for bacteria to thrive and could make you sick/sicker.

It’s not advised to cook flour (dry) in the oven or microwave to be able to use it in uncooked cookie dough. While many of us have taken the risk, and may still, this easy single serving cookie dough recipe just removes the risks. I use oats and no eggs.

This single serving cookie dough is gluten free, but if you need, use gluten free oats.

Cookies often satisfy my dessert cravings, but baking them sometimes just takes too long! Even if they just take 10 minutes to bake. Plus, it doesn’t always seem worth it to turn on the oven to bake one cookie.

That’s where this edible single serving cookie dough recipe comes into play. It’s quick, gives all the cookie flavors, without the baking. Sure you won’t get gooey chocolate pieces, but maybe a quick zap in the microwave would solve that.

Short story shorter, cookie dough made with oats is a great option if you want a dessert that’s super easy, thrown together, and safe to eat. No egg substitute or pasteurized flour are needed, just milk and pantry baking ingredients.

sugars, butter, oats, chocolate chips on table
ground oats in blender

To make your single serving cookie dough, start by ‘making’ oat flour. Add rolled oats to a high speed blender (small jar if you have one), spice or coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, or knife, chop/grind until barely chunky flour texture, or desired texture.

If you have oat flour, you can use that, but grinding your own is so inexpensive and easy. Also, a smaller, narrow blender/food processor will be easier than a wider one.

mixing creamed butter and sugar with spatula

Next, cream together your butter and sugars (white sugar and brown sugar) with a hand mixer. It will be pebbly, it’s a small amount. Press the butter and sugars together with the back of a spatula.

creamed butter and sugar in glass bowl

Next, add milk and vanilla extract. Mix.

cookie dough mixture in bowl

Add ground up oats (oat flour). Blend until incorporated. Your cookie dough may be crumbly. Press together, if it holds, you’re ok, if not, add a splash of milk at a time until it holds together.

cookie dough with chocolate chips in mixing bowl

Fold in chocolate chips with a spoon or rubber spatula. Press together and enjoy. You can refrigerate leftover single serving cookie dough in an airtight container for up to 5 days (or until it starts to smell off).


  • You can substitute the ground oats/oat flour with pasteurized flour in this single serving cookie dough recipe. I’d start with 3.5 Tablespoons in this recipe, and add more if needed.
  • You can use regular or dark brown sugar, but if using dark brown sugar, you might want to skip the vanilla, I felt like like the molasses/vanilla flavor was too strong when testing this recipe with dark brown sugar.
  • You might be able to substitute the oat flour for another type of plant, not wheat flour. I haven’t tested it with another type of flour. Just search to see if it’s safe to eat raw flour of whatever kind you’ll use.
  • This single serving cookie dough is gluten free, but use specific gluten-free oats and chocolate chips if you need to.
  • Use whatever milk you have in this single serving cookie dough.
  • Other great add-ins: Chopped nuts, small pieces of dried fruit, chia seeds, etc (add these with/in place of the chocolate chips).


Why do they say not eat raw cookie dough?

Raw flour and raw eggs could have bacteria in them that may get you sick. Read more in the Food Safety section. You can skip the egg and replace raw flour for ground oats/oat flour, like in this single serving cookie dough recipe.

Does cookie dough go in the fridge or freezer?

If your cookie dough has eggs and/or milk in it, just like this single serving cookie dough, store in the fridge or freezer. Store it in the fridge if you plan to use it in 5 days, in the freezer if you don’t plan to use it for longer than 5 days.

chocolate chip cookie dough on plates with ingredients around

How to Repurpose

Crumble your single serving cookie dough over ice cream or yogurt.

What can I make with leftover ingredients?

Did you make this single serving cookie dough? Leave me a comment & rating to share how it turned out!

chocolate chip cookie dough on plates


Single Serving Cookie Dough

This 10 minute single serving cookie dough is safe to eat raw, because it doesn’t have flour in it (oats instead) and is egg-free. It’s gluten free, and just as delicious as my favorite One Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie.


  • medium mixing bowl

  • Hand mixer

  • Measuring cups, spoons

  • Spoon or rubber spatula


  • 1 Tablespoon butter softened
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon white sugar
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon brown sugar
  • ½ Tablespoon milk
  • teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup old fashioned/rolled oats
  • pinch table salt if using unsalted butter
  • handful chocolate chips or about 2 Tablespoons, but who likes to measure chocolate chips?


  • To make ground oats/oat flour: add ¼ cup of old fashioned/rolled oats to a high powered blender, food processor, spice grinder, etc. Pulse until desired texture. I like mine with a few small chunks of oats. Measure out ¼ cup. Set aside. (you can also chop them up with a knife)

  • Add 1 Tablespoon softened butter, 1 heaping Tablespoon white sugar, and 1 heaping Tablespoon brown sugar to a medium mixing bowl. Cream together with a hand mixer. It will be pebbly, just press together with a spoon/rubber spatula a few times.

  • Add ½ Tablespoon milk, ⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract. Mix until incorporated.

  • Add in ground oats/oat flour (¼ cup). Mix until incorporated. It might be pebbly here too, if so, press together with spoon/rubber spatula. If it holds together, great, if not, add a splash of milk at a time until it does.

  • Fold in about 2 Tablespoons of chocolate chips (or however many you want). Roll into a ball. Enjoy.

  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (or until it starts to smell off).


  • I use oats in this recipe instead of flour, because consuming uncooked flour may put you at risk of getting sick (same with raw egg). See food safety section in the blog post for more info. 
  • Since we’re making a single serving of cookie dough, there isn’t enough volume to really incorporate your dough, it might remain pebbly when mixing. This is ok, just press together with a spoon/rubber spatula occasionally. or use a narrow, high sided mixing bowl. That might help too.
  • If using dark brown sugar, I recommend skipping adding the vanilla, the molasses taste from the brown sugar + vanilla are very strong combined.

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