
Care Health

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Danville BrightView Health celebrates one-year anniversary with community and patients

Danville BrightView Health celebrates one-year anniversary with community and patients

DANVILLE, Va. (WDBJ) – BrightView Health Addiction Treatment Center is celebrating one year of operation.

They treat all substance addictions such as alcohol, opiates, and stimulants through medicated assisted treatment or abstinence.

“We’re here to help those individuals and make them understand that we’re here when they need us,” said Tom Fraticelli, Director of Outreach for BrightView Health. “We’re not going to judge them. We’re not going to talk them down or make it look like they’ve experienced failure. We understand that addiction is a disease that is treatable, and it’s very different for each individual.”

While BrightView Health is celebrating a special occasion, it’s also taking the time to recognize the patients who have hit major milestones, as well.

Thursday afternoon, they invited patients and community members to celebrate their one-year anniversary and National Recovery Month. They gave awards to those on a recovery journey and to those helping others pursue sobriety.

“It takes a lot of emotional and mental ability to be able to walk through these doors and make a decision that you want to initiate some changes in life,” said Nikki Craft, Community Outreach manager for BrightView Danville. “Typically, it takes people four to eight times to officially get this right and sustain recovery. We recognize that too, and we want to be here for the community. We want to be able to say that, ‘hey, you’ve got a place to come.’”

“This place has been life changing, very life changing,” said Sherry Taylor, BrightView patient. “You can come in from the street and walk in, and they’re like a family here. They don’t turn you away. They don’t judge you or anything.”

In the past year, the Danville BrightView Center has helped over 350 people work toward recovery through almost 3,000 hours of medication and therapy treatment.

Christine Corbin is one of those people who was struggling for 25 years. She is now 10 months clean.

“Honestly, I don’t think I would be here without them,” said Christine Corbin, BrightView patient. “I overdosed June 1 of 2021. It took them 45 minutes to bring me back. I didn’t sleep for five days after that, because I was scared to fall sleep. They’re amazing here. They absolutely, genuinely care about you.”

Those struggling with addiction can call 833-510-HELP to make an appointment for same day treatment.