
Care Health

Prioritize Healthy life

America’s broken health care coverage needs a national single-payer insurance plan

America’s broken health care coverage needs a national single-payer insurance plan

Citizens of every other developed country on earth have health care guaranteed as a right. Polls have repeatedly shown that most Americans wish that were true here. But tens of millions of us don’t have health insurance.

The insanity of our stupid, immoral, for-profit, privatized, Big Business health care regime isn’t limited to millions who aren’t covered. Millions more who have insurance still find health care unaffordable.

Public Citizen reports that four in 10 people with employer plans — supposedly the ideal in our distorted system — still have trouble affording their health care.

America is the world’s wealthiest nation, yet we spend more per person on health care than any other major country. We have the worst health outcomes of any wealthy country, including the highest levels of infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.

There’s a way to fix this. Create a single-payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage. No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no co-pays, no surprise bills.

A bill to do that has been introduced in the Senate. Tell your senator to fight for all Americans and pass it.

Russ Smith,
