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15+ Nutritious Valentine’s Day Snacks for Kids

15+ Nutritious Valentine’s Day Snacks for Kids

Looking for nutritious and easy Valentine’s Day snacks for your kids? I’ve rounded up some of my favorite snacks as a dietitian and mom of three kiddos.

15+ Nutritious Valentine’s Day Snacks for Kids

Approach Valentine’s Day Snacks with Food Neutrality

Now, before we get into the good stuff (recipes!), I want to acknowledge the elephant in the room. Navigating Valentine’s Day can be a tricky task for parents, especially when the holiday is synonymous with sweets. How do you offer treats to your child without treat obsession? I’ve written a blog post exploring the challenge of managing treats for kids with practical solutions you’ll definitely want to check out.

The main takeaway? Consider a food-neutral approach by focusing on the experience you’re having together. And if you’re wanting to add some non-food activities to your day, the options are endless! For example: crafting, games, or creating personalized cards.

Now, here are over 15 nutritious Valentine’s Day snacks that you and your little ones are sure to enjoy!