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The Orbera Balloon – A Non-surgical Way To Lose Weight

The Orbera Balloon – A Non-surgical Way To Lose Weight

Not everyone can lose weight without the help of other people. Support may be necessary, as well as diet and exercise. Another tool that supports the weight loss process is the Orbera Balloon. Find out what it is and how non-surgical way to lose weight, for obese people in a few months.

  • Orbera Balloon — when diet and exercise programs are not enough
  • The balloon and weight loss — how much weight can you lose?
  • Can the balloon injure your stomach?
  • Maintaining weight after the Orbera balloon removal

Orbera Balloon — when diet and exercise programs are not enough

The balloon is a device that is inserted endoscopically into the stomach. No surgery is needed. The is a way to lose weight, so it is temporarily located in the patient’s stomach — usually for several months. It is filled with saline till it’s about the size of a grapefruit.

Thanks to this, the space in the stomach decreases, so the patient does not need large amounts of food and feels full faster after eating.

When using the balloon, follow your doctor’s instructions and recommendations. It’s also a good idea to see a psychologist and work with a dietitian to effectively change your daily habits. The gastric balloon is removed from the stomach after a certain period. Then the patient must monitor the diet on his own and differentiate between hunger and appetite.

The balloon and weight loss — how much weight can you lose?

Weight loss is faster thanks to the balloon. When combined with appropriate exercise and diet, weight loss occurs within 3–4 months.

However, if you want to keep maintaining your weight loss, modifying your behaviors, and habits and understanding your body is key to not gaining weight again after the balloon is removed.

Can the balloon injure your stomach?

The balloon is made of a smooth and soft material, silicone. This reduces the risk of any stomach irritation.

For the first few weeks, some patients may feel nauseous and have a feeling of fullness in the stomach. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications. If you still feel unwell, you should notify your doctor immediately.

Maintaining weight after the Orbera balloon removal

Maintaining weight after the doctors remove the deflated balloon is possible. However, medical recommendations should be followed. Patients should be advised on how to proceed. You need to control your portion sizes and remember to exercise regularly.

Both the insertion of the balloon into the stomach and its removal are non-surgical ways to lose weight methods and take about 20 minutes.

Patients who have not had previous stomach surgery and whose BMI is between 30-40 are eligible for the procedure. Patients with a BMI of 25-30 are also considered. Each case is treated individually.