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The Connection Between Your Oral Health And Chronic Diseases

The Connection Between Your Oral Health And Chronic Diseases

Whether you believe it or not – your oral health and the chronic diseases you’re trying to defeat are connected. Sometimes, it’s the ailment that affects your oral health, while, in other cases, your dental condition leads to the problem. But which of these is more common than the other? Let’s find out more about it in this article.

1: Diabetes

Diabetes, both type-1, and type-2 can affect our pancreas. Hence, it, in turn, can weaken your body’s capability to digest or process sugar. Even though it can be managed to some extent, it cannot be cured anytime soon. And if you leave it untreated, it can lead to the following –

  • The creation of less saliva can make your mouth and the surrounding area feel dry.
  • The lack of saliva can sometimes lead to the emergence of cavities.
  • Cuts or cold sores in your mouth might take a little longer to heal properly.
  • Due to the thickening of blood vessels, your gums can inflame and cause pain.
  • The risk of getting a mouth infection increases due to high levels of glucose.

Diabetes can be caused by a poor diet, but it can also be caused by poor oral health care. As a result, it’s best to consult a dentist for more information. You can check the listing of to find someone suitable in your case.

2: Cancer

Cancer, especially mouth carcinoma, can affect your oral health tragically. Besides, the course of treatment for the ailment can also weaken your gums a little and lead to infection. In some cases, cancer-curing procedures can also cause the below-mentioned –

  • The frequent occurrence of mouth sores.
  • Sensitivity of the gums and the surrounding area.
  • Pain in your jaw and the issue of your mouth getting dried out.

In this case, you won’t be able to take care of your oral health naturally. So, ask your doctor to recommend something that can get you out of such trouble.

3: Osteoporosis

A rather rare disease, osteoporosis affects your bone health and weakens it to some extent. In addition to this, it can also lead to brittle, which, in turn, can cause a loss of teeth.

Even if it doesn’t affect your oral health, you still have the risk of losing your teeth as they get weaker and weaker. In some cases, your jaw might break for the same reason.

Additionally, some medications, which are used to treat osteoporosis, can also cause problems to your jaw. Hence, if you are undergoing such a treatment, it might be best to talk to a doctor and tell them about the issues you’re having.

4: Cardiovascular Issues

As the doorway to your body, your mouth tends to contain a humongous amount of bacteria. If you follow a healthy oral routine, your mouth can shrug off these issues efficiently. But, the same bacteria, if your mouth isn’t healthy, can affect your cardiovascular well-being.

Many studies have also found a connection between periodontal (gum) disease and a heart-related ailment. In this case, the bacteria in your mouth can cause an infection, that might be connected to clogged arteries, heart disease, or stroke.

Another cardiovascular issue, which is related to your oral well-being, is endocarditis, known as the infection of the heart. It’s usually caused by the availability of bacteria in an individual’s bloodstream that is attached to the weakened areas of the heart.

5: Auto-Immune Disease

Lupus, a type of auto-immune disease, is connected heavily with your dental health. As per a research module, it can get elevated due to a wide array of oral issues, including –

  • Gum infection.
  • Mouth-related osteoporosis.
  • Poor oral hygiene.

Going through a proper dental care routine can certainly be a lot of help in this aspect. Talk to a doctor to get more information or insights regarding the same.

The Final Say!

No matter how you see it, taking care of your oral well-being will be vital for your health. So, it’s best to practice the following steps to improve your chances of staying healthy –

  • Go for a dental check-up every once in a while. 
  • Avoid using tobacco or smoking cigarettes.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Limit consuming sugary or starchy food.
  • Treat the symptoms related to your dry mouth.

I hope you understand the link between your oral health and chronic diseases. Aside from these, you can also help your health by drinking more water or using a product to keep your mouth moist.