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Sacramento City Unified food truck expands to serve more students

Sacramento City Unified food truck expands to serve more students

Sac City Unified school food truck expands


SACRAMENTO — Students in Sacramento now have another option when it comes to breakfast — a food truck program serving thousands is now expanding.

On-the-go mornings mean breakfast on the go.

Students at John Still Middle School in south Sacramento are pausing to power up at the Sacramento City Unified School District’s Central Kitchen Food Truck.

“This is our first day operating so we hope to continue that trend,” Said David Lose, who makes the meals from scratch with his team.

They make things like breakfast sandwiches, parfait, vegetarian egg bites, or vanilla French toast.

“Our plan is to pilot new products to see if the students like it in hopes of adding it to potentially some of the cafeteria menus to offer it on a regular basis,” Lose said.

Students were hungry for something new and it shows with participation at the food truck going up by 300 percent.

One of the great things about having the food truck there as opposed to having the students go into the cafeteria is it’s quick.

Students are feeding not only their bodies but their minds, John Still Principal Joanna Evans said.

“A lot of our kids would disengage in the morning or throughout the day because they are eating junk food,” she said. “They are eating foods that aren’t healthy or not eating at all. So having the opportunity to come get healthy food — a full stomach of food — was just a big turnaround for us and seeing kids being alert, engaged, awake.”

The goal for the food truck is four times a week, alternating at four different schools, eight in all.

The food truck is funded by No Kid Hungry with the goals of improving access to the school breakfast program and summer food service program.