
Care Health

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Our Most Popular Blogs | Healthcare Success

Our Most Popular Blogs | Healthcare Success

At Healthcare Success, we have been sharing marketing knowledge, tips, and tricks since our agency’s founding in 2006. 

Here, you’ll find a few of our most timely and popular blogs conveniently organized by marketing topic. 

Start With Some Classics

Whether you’re a new marketer or a seasoned professional, take a deep dive into essential topics that can significantly impact your healthcare business. 

  • 15 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Attract Today’s Healthcare Consumer
    To help you along your path toward marketing success, here are our always up-to-date 15 strategies to consider when developing your healthcare marketing plan.
  • Integrated Marketing
    If you don’t know why integrated marketing is crucial for healthcare brands, you’ll want to read this. In it, we share why it’s important to create a streamlined, reliable, and consistent customer journey using an integrated marketing approach and six ways your healthcare organization can start doing just that.
  • Google Business Profile
    This handy blog post on Google Business Profile is the best way to learn how to claim your own profile and make the most out of it to gain more healthcare consumers. 
  • Online Patient Reviews
    Many health and wellness brands are reluctant to engage with online reviews due to potential HIPAA violations or other compliance issues, but it’s vitally important. 

    We developed this detailed guide specifically for responding to healthcare reviews. We’ve also included FREE templates to help you respond to online feedback in a professional, helpful, and HIPAA-compliant way that protects your brand reputation.

Marketing Insights By Demographic

Each generation has unique marketing challenges and opportunities based on their experiences growing up, the economic climates they’ve survived, and the things they’ve dealt with in their personal and professional lives.

It’s important to consider the collective experiences of each generation in your marketing so your messages resonate with the largest audience possible.

  • Women
    With so much unrest surrounding women’s health, having a clear, concise, and transparent marketing strategy that resonates with their unique needs is essential. This blog lays out eight ways to more effectively market to women healthcare consumers.

The Best of Branding

What does your branding say about you? Whether you’re focused on continued growth and expansion or staying relevant in today’s digital age, the following two blogs are must-reads. 

  • Multilocation
    Are your newly aligned locations appropriately branded and marketed? Are they resonating with their respective communities, geographic locations, and target audiences? Use this ultimate banding checklist for multilocation providers to develop a better healthcare brand—no matter how many locations you have.
  • Living Brands
    How can your healthcare brand stay relevant in the digital age? How can you expand your reach and increase social media engagement? In this post, we teach you how to adapt to your audience and their desired channels while remaining consistent with your core values and mission by building a living brand. 

Curated Content Marketing

What’s the best way to build brand awareness and grow patient engagement and retention?
Implement a robust content marketing strategy that 

  • Educates potential patients
  • Considers Google’s latest algorithm updates
  • Leverages the skill and expertise of top-tier healthcare content creators

If you want to outpace your competition with we’ve got everything you need to get started right here:

Strategic SEO

Did you know 80% of patients search online for information about hospitals and medical practices before scheduling an appointment? Search engines have become people’s most reliable (and convenient) research tools—but less than 1% look beyond the first page of Google’s search results. 

The next few blogs will help your business rank high, avoid the Google Blacklist, and circumvent common pitfalls that can negatively impact your page rank.

Check out seven technical SEO problems that can cripple your website’s visibility on Google and the perils of SEO over optimization to learn the do’s and don’ts of search engine optimization. Then get a primer on black hat SEO and learn how to keep it from harming your page rank.

Paid Search Insights

The paid search industry is constantly changing.
Get a better handle on it with our comprehensive paid search glossary. 

Once you have a better idea of industry terminology, review the seven most common paid search mistakes healthcare brands make and how to avoid them to ensure your paid search campaigns serve the right ads to the right audience and provide a positive experience for your users and search engines.

Next, discover 18 ways to optimize your healthcare landing page to maximize high-value visitors completing a desired action (converting). 

Savvy Social Media

More and more healthcare brands and companies are leveraging social media to build a loyal following, engage with existing patients, attract new patients, and grow. Here’s a three-part playbook for creating and maintaining a healthy social media presence: 

Thought Leadership

We round out our best-of-blog series with a few blogs that offer our unique industry perspective on shifting healthcare consumer expectations, why healthcare workers are taking the brunt of patient frustrations, and why more physicians are choosing hospitals and corporate entities over private practice.

Thank you for reading, learning, and growing along with us. 

Please let us know if you’d like to learn more about a particular topic or are looking for specific marketing resources.