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It’s January Let’s Jump Into Movement — No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant + Coach

It’s January Let’s Jump Into Movement — No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant + Coach

Tips to start being physically active in 2023

By: Nicole Gibson

January is the month where people embark on new health goals for the year, and exercise is often one of those goals. However, it can be tricky to know how to effectively incorporate exercise into your life so that is not just a January trend, but a year round practice. So how does one develop the habit to be more physically active and build it into your daily lifestyle? I will provide some tips so that you are able to achieve your health and fitness goals and maintain them all year.

My first recommendation is to find something you actually enjoy doing. There are so many different ways to be physically active, that you don’t need to force yourself to do an activity you dread. The overarching goal is to find consistency, because being consistent is how you are going to achieve any fitness goals you have set. And you are not going to find consistency when you procrastinate, avoid, or hate every minute of the activity you are doing. So if you hate going to the gym, then buying a gym membership is likely going to be a waste of money. Think of an activity you loved doing as a child and you will likely be able to find a way to do that as exercise. Swimming, biking/spin classes, running, boxing, barre, Pilates, indoor rock climbing, HIIT classes, dance, gymnastics, skating, tennis, pickleball, squash, and hiking are all some examples of physical activity that are alternatives to going to the gym, if that isn’t your thing. And in any large city you will find options to participate in all of those activities recreationally as adults.

The second recommendation I have is don’t go full throttle right off that bat. While it can be exciting to start a new exercise program and you may feel highly motivated with the start of a new year, going from zero to 100 can actually backfire. There is the potential for injury. When your body is deconditioned, pushing too much too quickly can result in an injury that could force you to rest and leave you feeling discouraged and frustrated. There is also the potential for burnout. Going hard 7 days a week with exercise is exhausting, especially if you are not used to it. After 3 or 4 weeks at that intensity, you may feel completely worn out and lose any motivation you had. This often leads to completely dropping off, versus just scaling back. Again, the goal is finding consistency. Start off with about 3 days. This is a manageable amount for most people to fit into their schedule and it leaves at least a day in between for recovery. As it starts to become routine and you are feeling good and looking forward to your workouts, then add another day or two.

Find a way to keep yourself accountable. Even if you are a regular exerciser and do enjoy physical activity, you aren’t always going to feel motivated. Other things take priority and it can be easy to push off. This is where holding yourself accountable and being dedicated to your goals comes in. Plan your week ahead and slot in times that will work for your and your family’s schedule, as if it is an appointment. Having a friend/workout buddy, especially at the beginning, can help because you have someone else with whom you are accountable. And remind yourself of your goals. Everyone has days where they just don’t feel like it, but if you can easily look at your goals and remember why it is important to you, then that might give you the push to stay committed.

Don’t just measure your progress by the scale, if weight loss is your goal. There are so many incredible benefits to being physically active that go far beyond assisting with weight loss. The scale can be discouraging, especially if you are building muscle since the number won’t necessarily change but your body composition will. Focus on things such as your strength, endurance, skill, energy levels, mood, and sleep. Those can all improve with exercise and are more likely to make you feel good and more confident than your weight, which then enhances motivation.

And lastly, don’t be afraid to enlist help. Hiring a personal trainer, enrolling in group classes, utilizing online platforms (ex. Peloton), or taking lessons are all great ways to get instruction, ensure safety and proper form, and achieve progress. They also help with the accountability aspect as well. You don’t have to do it alone. We all need support and encouragement to achieve our goals.

Here’s to a healthy and active new year! Are you ready to get even healthier? Are you ready to start implementing these steps and more in your life but don’t know how to start? Maybe you are looking for the accountability to stay on track! Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with No Shoes Nutrition today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit www.noshoesnutrition.com and sign up for a FREE consultation. We work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!