
Care Health

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Icky but important: Monitoring wastewater to protect public health | Health

Icky but important: Monitoring wastewater to protect public health | Health

Most of us choose not to think about what happens after we flush: Out of sight, out of mind.

But people who work in public health are paying close attention.

Manchester plant

Samples are drawn weekly at Manchester’s wastewater treatment plant and sent to the state public health lab.

At the epicenter

Fred McNeill

Chief Engineer Fred McNeill is proud of the public health work his team does at Manchester’s wastewater treatment plant.

Manchester wastewater treatment plant

Manchester’s wastewater treatment plant plays an increasingly important role in disease surveillance.

Anticipating infections

Paula Mouser

Paula Mouser, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of New Hampshire, helped develop the state’s wastewater surveillance program to detect viruses such as COVID-19, RSV and influenza.

Where COVID is

Detection plus prevention