
Care Health

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Got Picky Eaters? Say These 5 Magic Phrases To Make Dinnertime Easier

Got Picky Eaters? Say These 5 Magic Phrases To Make Dinnertime Easier

I think a lot of these suggestions are spot on. I’d add a few more: beginning with discussing with your child that you are on their side and do want them to become competent eaters – for their own benefit – and the steps you are taking to help them.

– recognize and celebrate all attempts by your picky eater to try new things. That can be as small as cutting up the limited items they will eat into different shapes. Or, trying a new brand of frozen plain pizza. Or eating a new candy flavor or ice cream. As you said, this is a long game, so make trying new things the goal – don’t obsess about what those new things are.

– it may take a ton of exposures to a new food for your eater to want to try the food. Don’t ever ask them to or force it, instead just have it on their plate (or on the taste plate). The more they see it, the more comfortable they can become with it.

– we had a “back up” food for nights there was nothing my kid wanted to eat from dinner. This was an agreed up item, that was NOT a preferred item, and did not need to be cooked or prepared by me. Usually it was an apple or a bowl of cottage cheese, depending on what was in the kitchen.

– serve small portions, don’t ask if they want more of something they seem to like (they will ask if they do), take off all the pressure – again, play the long game of becoming a competent eater and don’t stress about the nutrition and “getting food into them”. It will happen over time.