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Family and Life Update | The Nutritionist Reviews

Family and Life Update | The Nutritionist Reviews
Family and Life Update | The Nutritionist Reviews

I’m taking it back super old school and sharing a blog post about my family. Not focusing on SEO or what will best perform on my blog but just a regular post about life updates. My 3 kids are growing and always changing and for the first time in awhile for blogging, I felt excited to share this post!  

Here are our family and life updates:


-Adalyn is 9 now and is in 4th grade! 

-She is super athletic and plays volleyball and basketball. She also loves to run and is an altar server at our church.

-Adalyn is reading at a 6th grade reading level. She also thinks she is a teenager in many ways so we are always working on that. She is the best big sister and is super helpful to her siblings as well as being warm and caring.


-Oliver is 6 and is in 1st grade.

-Oliver used to be super shy and is pretty much the opposite now. He loves school and loves to be with his friends. He is outgoing and wild at home but gets the best reports from his teacher at school.

-Oliver is a big time soccer player! He loves it so much and Troy is actually his soccer coach. He is also in boy scouts which he loves.


-Lily is 4 and is in preschool. She is obsessed with her school, her teachers and her friends. Lily is so joyful.

-She still is obsessed with babies which I can’t believe. She loves helping younger kids and is very sweet. She can hold her own though when she feels like her siblings are picking on her. 

-Lily loves to practice her writing, days of the week, letter sounds, etc.


-I’m still blogging/being an influencer full time. This marks 6 1/2 years since I left my job at the nursing home as a dietitian and am so beyond grateful that I have been able to make this a career for myself so I could stay home with my kids. Lily starts school full-time next year and I am thinking of finding some kind of job 1-2 days a week to keep myself busy. I like having my time filled and think that is the direction I want to go. Probably as a dietitian again!

-I share a lot of day-to-day life content on Instagram stories if you want to follow along.

-I switched from running with my dad to biking 10-12 miles twice a week because his hip is bad and he needs a hip replacement. I am really enjoying doing a strength class at the gym a couple of times per week.

-Troy and I celebrated 14 years of marriage this summer!

-Troy is still loving his job as a teacher and has been at his school for 10 years now. We have gotten really into school events like going to basketball and football games. 

General Life Update

-Life is good! It is busy with homework and kids activities and overall, we all love it. I never dreamed that my life could be so great years ago before we had kids.

-We love to hike, bike and walk as a family. We are always doing things and going places! 

Typing this all out, I realized that honestly, not much is going on! Just day-to-day life of raising my family but all is well! I hope you enjoyed this update and catching up with my family!