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Effective Line of treatment for PCOS through Ayurveda

Effective Line of treatment for PCOS through Ayurveda

Effective Line of treatment for PCOS through Ayurveda Say Goodbye to PCOS – Understanding PCOS and Ayurvedic Treatment


Poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects 10-20% of women between the ages of 15 to 40 years, making it the most common endocrine disturbance in women. Although the exact cause of the condition is unknown, its symptoms can be quite distressing for women, including acne, hirsutism, irregular cycles, and metabolic disorders. This article will provide an overview of PCOS and how Ayurvedic treatment can help.


What is PCOS?

PCOS is a complex heterogeneous disorder characterized by multiple cysts in the ovaries that occur due to disruption in the normal menstrual cycle. Ovaries get enlarged and produce excess amounts of androgen and estrogen, which interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries, leading to anovulatory cycles and irregular menstruation.

In a normal menstrual cycle, one egg is released from a dominant follicle that bursts to release the egg. After ovulation, the follicle remnant shrinks and disappears. But in PCOS, there is so-called follicular arrest. Several follicles develop but do not grow to the desired pre-ovulatory size and remain as cysts. These undeveloped follicles are arranged in the periphery, giving the appearance of a string of pearls in the ultrasound scan.


PCOS Symptoms

Not all women with polycystic ovaries have PCOS, nor do all women with ovarian cysts suffer from PCOS. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical advice and a pelvic ultrasound scan, which is a major diagnostic tool:

  • Menstrual abnormalities such as infrequent, irregular, or absent menstrual cycles
  • Infertility
  • Acne, hirsutism (male pattern hair growth on the face and chest), hair fall from the scalp, or alopecia due to high levels of masculinizing hormones
  • Metabolic disturbances leading to obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc.
  • Psychological disorders like depression and anxiety due to personal stress and stress from the family.


Why is PCOS a Major Cause of Concern?

PCOS is the most common cause of ovulation disorder in women, and a failure to ovulate is a common cause of female infertility. PCOD accounts for 30% of all infertility cases, with 73% of women suffering from PCOS experiencing infertility due to anovulation. Women with PCOS are also at high risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and endometrial cancer. Moreover, people with PCOS tend to become resistant to insulin, which can lead to diabetes. Other symptoms like weight gain, facial hair, acne, and hair fall from the scalp can be concerning, particularly for young girls during their teenage years.


Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS

PCOS in Ayurveda is attributed to the imbalance in the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS focuses on a holistic approach, recognizing that it is not just an endocrine disorder but also a metabolic, hormonal, and psychosocial disorder that impacts a patient’s quality of life. The management depends on the presenting symptoms and may include the following:

  1. Detoxification: A right way to begin the treatment. Women who undergo cleansing show remarkable changes in the condition of the ovaries and improvement in metabolic function, depression, hair fall, etc.
  2. Weight loss in PCOS: Excess adipose tissue in obese patients creates the paradox of having excess androgen and estrogen, which can contribute to PCOS symptoms. Losing even just 5% of body weight can help bring hormones into balance and regulate menstrual cycles. Shathayu Ayurveda employs a combination of personalized diet plans, exercise, and Ayurvedic medicines to promote weight loss and maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Herbal remedies for PCOS: Ayurvedic herbs have been used for centuries to treat various ailments, including PCOS. Shathayu Ayurveda uses a combination of herbs such as Shatavari, Ashoka, and Lodhra to regulate menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances, reduce acne and hirsutism, and improve fertility.
  4. Yoga and meditation: Stress is a significant factor that contributes to PCOS symptoms. Shathayu Ayurveda offers yoga and meditation classes that can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote emotional well-being.


Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS

Menstrual irregularities with anovulatory cycles being main problem in PCOS. Doctors at Shathayu Treat PCOS strategically with 90-150 days of medicines  which can rectify symptoms like absent /scanty menstruation with medicines like MENSOFLOW KASKAYA , CP MAP , AV MAP, NOVACALM , SAPTASARA KASHAYAM, RAJAPRAVARTHINI VATI etc. 


Diet For PCOS 

A low glycemic index (GI) diet can have several benefits for individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Here are some of the pros of a low GI diet for PCOS:

  1. Improved insulin sensitivity: A low GI diet can help improve insulin sensitivity in women with PCOS. This means that the body is better able to use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  2. Weight loss: A low GI diet can be effective for weight loss in women with PCOS, who often struggle with obesity. A low GI diet can help promote satiety, reduce food cravings, and improve overall energy levels, which can all contribute to weight loss.
  3. Hormonal regulation: A low GI diet can help regulate hormone levels in women with PCOS, particularly insulin and androgens. High insulin levels can lead to excess androgen production, which can contribute to the symptoms of PCOS such as acne, hair growth, and irregular periods.
  4. Improved fertility: A low GI diet can improve fertility in women with PCOS by reducing insulin resistance and improving hormonal balance. This can help regulate menstrual cycles and improve the chances of ovulation and conception.


Home remedies for PCOS:

  1. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help regulate menstrual cycles and improve insulin resistance, which can be helpful for PCOS. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your tea or coffee, or sprinkle it on your food.
  2. Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. It can help improve insulin sensitivity and lower testosterone levels. Add flaxseed to your smoothies or sprinkle it on your yogurt or oatmeal.
  3. Exercise: Regular exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, which can be helpful for PCOS. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
  4. Stress reduction: Stress can worsen PCOS symptoms, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress. Try meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress.


In conclusion, Ayurveda recognizes PCOS as a complex and holistic condition that requires a comprehensive approach to management. Through personalized treatments, detoxification, weight loss and management, herbal remedies, and stress-reduction techniques, Shathayu Ayurveda provides effective and sustainable solutions for women with PCOS.