
Care Health

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Coffee Talk: When You Feel Like a Loser

Coffee Talk: When You Feel Like a Loser

“We’re kind of a group of losers, Mom.”

Say what?! Yeah, my 10-year-old dared to speak the words, “we’re losers!” He has or had a point though. Hear me out: Mom lost her job, Joey lost his basketball game, Lily lost her soccer game, Michigan State lost to Michigan, oh yeah, and the Lions lost. Guess what guys? In the life of my 10-year-old, we lost a lot last week.

I subbed gym class last Friday. And lost my voice in the process. Another loss!! Lol.

I’ll be honest, I’m just glad the loss of my job made Joey’s list lol! And yeah, I feel a lot like Joey right now. We lost a few important things last week [some more important than others]. In practicing what I preach, I had to let Joey in on a big secret: we GAINED or WON a lot last week too…. We just had to look for it!

Trunk or Treat @ School. More candy before Halloween. What could be better?!

1. Mom had more time to cook.

2. We played with a group of boys in the neighborhood that are sure to become fast friends.

So much front yard football, catch, and soccer was played this weekend. Who could ask for anything more?!

3. Mom didn’t yell as much [admittedly my kids mentioned this one more than once last week].

4. The kids played more together than they have in a long time [or so I noticed].

5. The kids saw and heard my family and friends SHOW UP for me in more ways than one when I was grieving [and probably still will be grieving this week]. But hey, beef still made our Sunday dinner menu!

We’re always winning (in my book) if we do these 2 things: lead with love, and give others the benefit of the doubt.

Now who is going to remind of 👆 if and win we lose something else this week?!