
Care Health

Prioritize Healthy life

About our Various Online Trainings

About our Various Online Trainings

We offer a number of specialised online trainings in LCHF/ Ketogenic Nutrition & it’s Therapeutic uses.

1. Professional Training in LCHF/Keto Nutrition & Treatment

Our original, flagship training – it covers a broad range of topics which provide an excellent foundation to the science behind LCHF, its application to a range of topics, and practical tools practitioners may use when prescribing the diet to patients/clients.

Eligibility: must be a medical or allied healthcare professional.

Learning time: approximately 25 hours of learning, in the form of video lectures with supporting documents. Reading of the referenced literature is in addition to this time commitment, if and when you choose.

Accreditation: the training is worth 23 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

2. LCHF in Clinical Practice 

This is our more advanced training, designed to further develop your understanding of LCHF nutrition, with a focus on specific medical conditions, and how to apply the science in practice.

  • Module 1: Evolutionary and Scientific Evidence
  • Module 2: LCHF for Practical Medical Applications
  • Module 3: Prescribing LCHF in Clinical Practice

Eligibility: must be a medical or allied healthcare professional, you do not have to have completed the first training to be eligible for this one.

Learning time: approximately 10-15 hours of learning per module, in the form of video lectures with supporting documents. Reading of the referenced literature is in addition to this time commitment, if and when you choose.

Accreditation: each module of the training is worth 10-12 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

3. LCHF for Nurses – Professional Training in LCHF Nutrition For Improved Patient Care

A course developed by Nurses, for Nurses. The materials of this training have been tailored to meet the clinical education and training needs of nurses working within a range of specialist clinical practice areas.


The course has been specifically designed for:

  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Private Nurse Practitioners
  • Midwives
  • Diabetic Nurse Educators
  • Registered Nurses
  • Enrolled Nurses

Learning time: approximately 15-20 hours of learning.

Accreditation: the training is worth 15 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

4. Advisor Training

Specifically designed for LCHF/Keto enthusiasts looking to up-skill and acquire a professional accreditation in nutrition coaching.  This course has been developed to provide students with the latest, evidence-based science and research in low carbohydrate nutrition, as well as essential coaching and motivation-driving skills to help get your clients the results they’ve been yearning for!

Eligibility: You do not need to be a medical practitioner to enrol in the Advisor Training. You may enrol directly at this link.

Learning time: approximately 20 hours of learning, in the form of video lectures with supporting documents. Reading of the referenced literature is in addition to this time commitment, if and when you choose.

Accreditation: the coaching content is delivered by an ICF accredited coach

5. LCHF for Dietitians

Professional Online Training for Dietitians and Certified Nutrition Specialists (CNS) in LCHF for Health Promotion and Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)

Presented by national and international medical and allied healthcare experts in their field, on a range of topics related to LCHF nutrition and its implementation into clinical dietetics and nutrition practice.

A course developed by Dietitians, for Dietitians and Certified Nutrition Specialists (CNS)!

Eligibility:  Health professionals who, according to Scope of Practice regulations, are allowed to provide nutrition advice for the therapeutic treatment or management of diseases or conditions.

  • Registered Dietitians
  • Certified Nutrition Specialists
  • Medical Doctors

Learning time: approximately 25 hours of learning, in the form of video lectures with supporting documents. Reading of the referenced literature is in addition to this time commitment, if and when you choose.

Accreditation: the training is worth 25 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

6. Ethics

Exploring the big issues facing the medical/healthcare profession today and the ethical dilemmas of each.

What are your ethical obligations as a doctor, dietitian, nutritionist, nurse or health coach?

How do you honour these and in what contexts do things need to change in medicine today?

In our new ethics module, we aim to provide clarity on all of these topics, to give practitioners peace of mind that they will be safe in the actions they take. We also tackle some difficult areas that medical professionals navigate, such as how to treat anomalous cases, when to refer and when not to do invasive procedures. This is the fine line many tread in making these calls daily – we aim to advise on how to do this with ethics and dignity in check.

Eligibility: Anyone may enrol in this training

Learning time: approximately 10 hours of learning, in the form of video lectures with supporting documents. Reading of the referenced literature is in addition to this time commitment, if and when you choose.

Accreditation: Accredited by the South African Medical Association and is worth 7 Ethics CPD units

Enrol by clicking here 

7. Diabetes Reversal

Professional Online Training for Medical & Allied Healthcare Professionals in LCHF for Diabetes Management & Reversal.

This module focuses on how Type 1 & 2 Diabetes may be successfully managed and, in the case of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM), reversed using a Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) or ketogenic diet.


The course has been specifically designed for:

  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates

Learning time: approximately 10 hours of learning.

Accreditation: the training is worth 10 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

8. Obesity: Risk & Reversal

How obesity can be successfully reversed using a Low Carbohydrate High Fat or Ketogenic Diet.


The course has been specifically designed for:

  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates

Learning time: approximately 12 hours of learning.

Accreditation: the training is worth 12 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) units/hours.

9. Neurology

Online training material on the clinical application of the LCHF or Keto diet for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of neurological and associated conditions.


The course has been specifically designed for:

  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates

Learning time: approximately 12 hours of learning.

10. A Patient’s Guide to Blood Glucose Management

Designed by leading clinicians who understand the value of post-consultation support, this course is intended to support treating clinicians to empower patients with a better understanding of Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.


The course has been specifically designed for anyone.

11. Nutritional Paradigms to Treating Chronic Disease

Presented by national and international medical and allied healthcare experts in their field on the topic of Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction (TCR) and how it may be used in clinical practice to manage and reverse an array of different conditions. 


  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates

12. Eat Better: Group Facilitation Training

Presented by The Noakes Foundation team and an IFP Accredited coach, this training will give you an exact blueprint and roadmap to coach clients in a group setting. The training will provide all the tools necessary to launch your coaching business and walk clients through their lifestyle transformations.

Eligibility: You do not need to be a medical practitioner to enrol in the Group Facilitator Training. You may enrol directly at this link. 

13. Sports Nutrition Training

Leading experts in sports and therapeutic carbohydrate restriction therapy, to bring you flexible online learning in the implementation of body and lifestyle transformations through exercise and sports nutrition.

Eligibility: You do not need to be a medical practitioner to enrol in the Group Facilitator Training. You may enrol directly at this link. 

14. Resilience: Mental Health and Stress Management

Professional online training in mental & physical resilience in the face of work stressors.

Eligibility: You do not need to be a medical practitioner to enrol in the Group Facilitator Training. You may enrol directly at this link. 

15. Addictive Eating 

Allowing you to become specialized in the effective screening, diagnosis, and management of Food Addiction, and the implementation of body and lifestyle transformations to break the addiction cycle.


  • Medical professionals
  • Allied Healthcare Workers
  • Nutrition Network Graduates

Coming soon:

    • Physiology & Biochemistry
    • Fasting

Applicable to all trainings:

Training Structure

Each training is presented as a series of online, self-study lectures (each lecture is approximately 45mins).

Each lecture includes:

  • Topic outline & learning objectives
  • Expert speaker presentation/lecture
  • Downloadable resources and references for relevant journal articles and literature.


Our medical/healthcare courses have been accredited by The CPD Standards Office,  we have been assured that the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.


Enrol at any time. You may start the trainings at any time and work through the content completely at your own pace. You do not need to be online at a specific time.

– Complete the registration form at this link and make your payment.


There are no official tests, however, there are Feedback Forms and Quizzes at the end of each section which requires you to reflect on the content. There are also ways in which we test whether the full video has been watched.


You will be issued with a Certificate of Completion on completion of the training.


Visit www.nutrition-network.org/apply-now/ and complete the application form. Select which course you are applying for from the dropdown menu. We will let you know whether your application has been successful and if you fall within our eligibility criteria, you may enrol here: http://courses.nutrition-network.org/

Nutrition Network Practitioner (TM)

Learn about our path to certification at this link. Becoming a Nutrition Network Practitioner signifies that you have acquired the highest level of knowledge and skill in the field of low carbohydrate high fat nutrition and are recognized as a certified practitioner.