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Healthy Food for Your Toddler

Healthy Food for Your Toddler

Toddler Food

Toddler Food

Your newly born baby has now taken up the shape of a toddler. He is now learning to Walk, Run, Climb, etc. It’s very much important to take care of their Nutrition for complete Physical and Mental Development in them.

It is important to note that the toddlers who are much more active than the infants need Calories in less amount in their bodies. It is because the Growth Rate is Slow in them. The need for nutrition is less in them still they need to be given proper foods for proper development in their body.

“Presently, it’s hard to know what toddlers are eating every day as one-third of their calories come from snacks,” said Bailey, an associate professor in Purdue University’s Department of Nutrition Science who has collaborated on or led several studies on the American diet.

Researchers have found that a toddler needs 1000 to 1500 Calories per day, depending on their Size, Age and Level of physical activity they do every day.

Let’s look upon some of the important requirements for the toddlers.

Nutritious Requirements For Your Toddler

Healthy Food

  • Milk and Dairy Products: These items are rich in Calciumand Vitamin D.
  • Babies who are of 4 to 6 Months should be only fed with Breast Milk. The main reason not to provide them with the cow milk is that this milk contains a Low amount of Iron which may lead to Iron Deficiency and resulting in decreased thinking capacity and growth. Breast milk also contains less iron but whatever is present in it is Well Absorbed in the body.

At the Age of 2 and above the toddlers can take Lower- Fat Dairy Foods, such as 1% reduced-fat milk or 1% low-fat milk.

The World Health Organization deems toddler drinks “unnecessary” and “unsuitable,” and the American Academy of Family Physicians says,“toddler drinks hold no advantage over cow’s milk and a nutritious diet”.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), it is learned that every child needs 400 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D daily.

Multivitamins: Toddles of the age Less Than 2 should be given Multivitamins in liquid form.

After some discussion from your pediatrician, you can provide this in a chewable form. Multivitamins with Vitamin D is recommended for the toddlers if the intake is less than 400 IU of Vitamin D.

Foods recommended for them are:

  1. Cereals: It provides 40-50 IU in almost 1 Cup.
  2. Orange Juice: It provides 50 IU in 4 ounces.
  3. Eggs with yolk: It provides 20-30 IU in 1 large egg.
  • Salt: It is important to note that toddlers should be given Natural Food rather than giving salted foods. Too much sodium may lead to high blood pressure in adults. Researchers have found that if salt is taken in a low amount during childhood then it reduces the High chances of contol blood pressure.

It is advised that the child up to his first birthday should be given Less Than 1gram of salt every day. Toddlers of the age from 1 to 3 Years should be given 2Grams of salt daily.

  • Sugar: Sugar should not be taken in large amounts by the body. It may lead to Severe Chronic Disease in the future. It is recommended to give 25 grams of added sugar to the kids of Age 2 and above daily.

Diet Plans For Your Toddler

  • Up to 6 months: Breast milk is the most important drink for them. You can also give them 1-2 Teaspoon of Apple Sauce or Mashed Banana. Note that you should not add sugar or salt to their food. Provide them with these foods in a low amount at least 4 to 6 times a day.
  • 6 to 12 months: At this phase, you can provide your kid with Finger Food. You will get to know about it when your kid will start to hold a spoon in his hand. You can provide them foods like Soft Cooked Vegetables, Washed and Peeled Fruits, Melba Toast, Teething Biscuits, etc. Don’t forget to give the breast milk at least 3 to 4 times a day.
  • 1 to 3 years: We have created a diet plan for them. You can have a look.

Breakfast: Cup of Cow milk or Breast milk with one whole Egg.

Morning Snack: Water and Fruit Yogurt

Lunch: Dahl and Whole wheat bread.

Afternoon Snack: Water with Cheese cubes

Dinner: Water or breastmilk and baked salmon flavored with sesame oil

  • 4 and 5 years: It is recommended to give them fresh Fruits and Vegetables to eat regularly. They should be provided with the Low-Fat Dairy Product, Lean-Protein, and Whole Grain Cereals.

Food Recipes For Your Toddler

Up to 6 months: Banana Applesauce Mush is the most popular homemade recipe for the kids of this age.

For this, you need One Apple and on a Ripe Banana. Peel the apple and cut it in slices. Boil the slices. Mash the apples. Peel the banana and mash it as well. Mix both with some Wheat Germ or Crushed Cherries. Now feed your kid.

6 to 12 months: Whole-Wheat Buttermilk Pan cake sis liked by many kids. You need to mix Flour, Baking soda, Baking powder and Salt with Egg, Oil, and Buttermilk. Add this mixture to the flour mill. Don’t forget to stir well. With the help of non-stick griddle apply cooking spray over medium heat. Take one big scoop onto the griddle for a tiny pancake.

1 to 5 years: Hard – Boiled Eggs is a rich source of Protein and Healthy Fat. To make it take a pot and pour some water in it. Boil it. Once it starts to boil add a pinch of salt to it. After a few minutes drop the egg into it and let it boil for 15 to 20 Minutes. Now take the egg out of the water and peel off the skin and serve it to your kid with a little amount of sugar.

Now, I am sure that you can handle your toddler feeding steps. As well as, keeping them in the safe side from the unhealthy food.

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