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6 Top Reasons You Get Sick During the Holidays (and How to Fix It)

6 Top Reasons You Get Sick During the Holidays (and How to Fix It)

6 Top Reasons You Get Sick During the Holidays (and How to Fix It)

The holidays (or any special occasion for that matter) can be some of the most vibrant, joyful moments in our lives. They can also be extremely harrowing and utterly energy-sucking.  With all the preparation, shopping, travel, organizing, and upheaval of our regular routines – it’s no wonder so many people tend to get sick during the holidays. If you’re one of these unfortunate folks, here are the top reasons you’re getting sick during special times of the year and tips that can help you stay happy and healthy during the holiday season.

Disruptions in Your Regular Routine

The holidays have a way of turning our regularly scheduled programming (as in our regular routine) on its ear. From working long hours to catch up on work before traveling to be with family to baking hundreds of cookies for that big holiday party – that lengthy to-do list during the holidays tends to gobble up all the time we’d normally devote to our usual daily routine.  

Disruptions in your regular routine can also wreak havoc on your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to illness.  Remedy this by taking steps to boost your immune system.  Ensure you have a high-quality B6 supplement, which supports your immune system, and other protective vitamins such as C and E.  

You can also avoid illness by being mindful of keeping the structure in your routine.  Work in some quality downtime, and keep some of your routines intact.  For instance, if you always make time to go to the gym or take a walk in the woods – keep to that routine.  It will anchor you and maintain some consistency during the chaos of the holidays – it can also help you save your sanity and keep you healthy.

Change in Eating Habits

Whether it’s grandma’s famous shortbread cookies or Uncle Joe’s award-winning pasta carbonara, the holidays invite us to sample dishes we typically don’t eat throughout the rest of the year.  Fruitcakes, green bean casseroles, or Christmas puddings might be your favorite holiday essentials, but they could be fearsome when it comes to staying healthy.  

Sudden adjustments in eating habits or introducing rich, uncommon foods can really put the kibosh on good digestive bacteria. In turn, this could lead to anything from uncomfortable digestive issues to the common cold.  Avoid stomach aches and sniffles by working your old, standby, nutritious foods into your diet.  

It’s okay to indulge a little (it is the holidays, after all), but don’t overdo it.  Have a banana, eat whole grains, and get plenty of veggies to stay on top of your health.  You might also want to take a probiotic or eat yogurt that contains lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus to keep you regular.  

Change in Drinking Habits

The holidays are notorious for making toasts over spiked eggnog and hot buttered rum.  However, overdoing the seasonal libations could lead to hangovers, weakened immune systems, and just feeling downright crummy.  Imbibing a bit to celebrate is fine, but do so in moderation.  

Moreover, make sure you drink plenty of water.  The stress of the holidays (and drinking more alcohol than usual) can cause dehydration, which in turn, can lead to illness. So get plenty of water and go easy on the booze to stay healthy this holiday season.

Changes in Your Environment

Depending upon where you live, you might be exposed to some wicked-harsh weather during the holidays.  While there’s something infinitely magical about a white Christmas, all that blowing and snowing could lead to you blowing your nose and staving off the sniffles.  Bear this in mind when going out in extreme weather. Bundle up, and prepare for the elements to avoid exposure.  

Alternatively, the holidays may find you staying indoors more than usual. This could trigger your allergies, especially if the house feels stuffy, or you’re cranking the AC or electric heat.  And if your place is crammed full of holiday house guests, that could amp up the potential for the spread of germs.  

Combat these conditions by wiping down commonly used surfaces. Change out hand towels frequently, and keep hand soap in steady supply.  Also, open up some windows to help circulate the air.  You might also want to invest in an air purification system to keep sickness at bay during the holidays.

Interrupted Sleep

Traveling, sleeping in unfamiliar places, long nights preparing for festivities, or noisy houseguests can stop a solid night’s sleep in its tracks.  Unfortunately, sleep is the number one salve and savior when it comes to avoiding sickness.  

While you can’t prepare for every situation, do your best to lay in some essentials that will ensure you get the best sleep possible.  For instance, have earplugs or noise-canceling headphones on hand to muffle out the noise.  You might even get an eye mask to block out any sleep-disturbing lights or motion.  

Changes in Your Mood

Ideally, the holidays should be replete with joy, laughter, and happy moments.  However, for some of us, they can be a source of deep depression or even despair.  This could be especially true if you find yourself alone during the holidays. Holiday depression can hike up cortisol, which is a stress hormone. When it’s elevated, cortisol can weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to sickness.  

Feeling blue is understandable. However, there are steps you can take to make the holidays brighter.  For instance, volunteering is a great way to spread joy, be with others, and feel good about helping out during the holidays.  

Or, consider calling an old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages and catching up on what they are doing.  If you are beset with depression, you can also talk to a therapist online. You might also talk to your doctor before the holidays and see if there is a prescription you can take to help reduce depression during the holiday season.

In conclusion, the holidays are a brilliant opportunity to be grateful, enjoy friends and family, and make beautiful memories.  This season, make sure you do exactly that by following these tips to stay healthy during the holidays.  As always, thanks for reading, and we hope all your special occasions are merry and bright.