
Care Health

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Caring for a Senior Loved One

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Caring for a Senior Loved One

Transitioning into a caregiver’s role for an elderly family member is difficult. This responsibility ensures your loved one has everything to thrive and feel at ease. Whether in their own residence, your home, or facilitated by a senior living community. To safeguard the health, protection, and joy of both you and your loved one, it’s vital to comprehend some of the prevalent missteps adults often make as they shift from their role as children to caregivers.

Believing That You Are Capable of Handling Everything

Many caregivers often feel obligated to handle all aspects of caregiving for their loved ones, from preparing meals and scheduling appointments to assisting with mobility. However, it’s unrealistic for you to provide round-the-clock care, attend to your loved one’s personal, social, and financial matters, and still manage your own commitments.

Your loved one also might not want you to take on all these tasks. Some elderly people may feel uncomfortable needing assistance with private duties and would rather engage the services of a professional. It could be beneficial to consider delegating some caregiving responsibilities. This could include enlisting help for household tasks, seeking professional assistance for personal care, or arranging transportation with a friend or another family member.

Ignoring the Wellbeing of the Caregiver

When someone in the family chooses to be the main carer for their parents, it can often be overlooked that they also need time for personal activities, their own family, and their health. The wider family should ensure this person gets ample time to rest and rejuvenate. 

If other family members cannot provide assistance, Husky Senior Care is an option. Respite care is essential for everyone; it provides a brief break from caregiving duties, even if it’s just for a few hours in an afternoon or for multiple days.

Overlooking Recent Health Concerns

Multiple health issues are often a reality for older adults. As their caregiver, it falls on you to manage these issues, which can be daunting, particularly if your loved one grapples with various health conditions.

With the weight of existing responsibilities, there might be a tendency to overlook new symptoms rather than acknowledging them and seeking assistance. Engaging with health matters, especially mental health concerns like cognitive impairment, can induce discomfort. For instance, if dementia is a condition your loved one has, their irrational actions could pose additional challenges to their care management.

Excluding them from Crucial Decision-making Processes

Regardless of age, every person seeks to have autonomy in their lives. It’s quite normal for you to want to assist your parents but ensure they are part of key decisions about their comprehensive care. Talk about their preferences and requirements so they feel they are active participants and strive to find a middle ground on matters where your views might differ.

Setting Unrealistic Goals

Avoid making health-related guarantees to your loved one. While you can strive to enhance their overall health, there may be instances where this might not suffice. Maintaining a positive outlook is commendable, but as a family caregiver, avoid setting unattainable expectations and making promises. Since the future is unpredictable, it’s essential to establish realistic objectives.


Assuming the main responsibility of caring for a family member can be intimidating, and there may be instances where you feel under-equipped. However, you can sidestep some prevalent pitfalls by strategizing, learning more about your role, and ensuring your own needs are met.