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Types of Back Pain: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Types of Back Pain: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Types of Back Pain: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Back pain can arise from a variety of causes, including injuries, physical activities, and certain medical conditions. It is not limited to a specific age group and can affect individuals for different reasons. With advancing age, the chances of experiencing lower back pain tend to rise, primarily due to factors like previous job-related activities and the onset of degenerative disk disease.

The source of lower back pain can be attributed to various components such as the bones of the lumbar spine, the disks that cushion the vertebrae, the ligaments surrounding the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, the muscles in the lower back, the internal organs in the abdominal and pelvic region, or even the skin surrounding the lumbar area.

In this blog, we will explore various types of back pain, their underlying causes, preventive measures, and treatment options.

Causes of back pain

Back pain can have several causes, including:

  1. Muscle Strain: Overexertion, lifting heavy objects, or sudden movements can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back.
  2. Poor Posture: Slouching, sitting or standing in an improper position for extended periods can strain the back muscles and lead to pain.
  3. Herniated Disc: When the soft cushioning discs between the vertebrae rupture or bulge, they can put pressure on nearby nerves, causing back pain.
  4. Spinal Abnormalities: Conditions like scoliosis (abnormal spinal curvature) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) can cause chronic back pain.
  5. Injury or Trauma: Accidents, falls, or sports-related injuries can damage the back muscles, ligaments, or vertebrae, resulting in pain.
  6. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation and stiffness in the joints of the spine, leading to back pain.
  7. Lifestyle Factors: Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and stress can contribute to back pain by weakening the muscles and straining the spine.

Symptoms of back pain

The symptoms of back pain can vary depending on the underlying cause and the specific type of back pain. However, some common symptoms associated with back pain include:

  1. Dull or aching pain: persistent, localized or radiating sensation in the back.
  2. Muscle stiffness: difficulty moving or bending comfortably, limited range of motion.
  3. Sharp or shooting pain: sudden, associated with nerve irritation or compression.
  4. Limited mobility: restriction in movement, challenges in bending and twisting.
  5. Numbness or tingling: sensations in back, legs, or arms due to nerve compression.
  6. Weakness: muscle weakness in back or legs, affects coordination and stability.
  7. Pain aggravated by activities: lifting, bending, prolonged sitting or standing worsen discomfort.

Type of back pain

Mechanical Back Pain

Mechanical back pain, also known as non-specific back pain, is the most common type of back pain. It occurs due to the strain or injury of muscles, ligaments, or discs in the back. Poor posture, muscle strains, ligament sprains, disc degeneration, and spinal abnormalities can all contribute to this type of pain. It is often characterized by aching or stiffness in the back, which may worsen with movement. Treatment typically involves rest, over-the-counter pain medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when one of the spinal discs, which act as cushions between the vertebrae, bulges or ruptures. This can result in the compression or irritation of nearby nerves, leading to back pain, numbness, and weakness. Risk factors for a herniated disc include age, repetitive activities, and heavy lifting. Treatment options include pain medications, physical therapy, spinal injections, chiropractic care, and surgery in severe cases.


Sciatica refers to the pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. It is often caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal). The pain can be sharp, shooting, or burning and may be accompanied by tingling or numbness. Treatment options for sciatica include pain medications, physical therapy, stretching exercises, hot/cold therapy, and in severe cases, surgery.


Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. It can develop during childhood or adolescence and may cause back pain, stiffness, and uneven shoulder or hip alignment. While the exact cause of scoliosis is often unknown, it can be influenced by factors such as genetics or neuromuscular conditions. Treatment approaches depend on the severity of the curvature and may involve monitoring, physical therapy, pain management, bracing during growth, or surgery in severe cases.

Treatment of back pain with Combo3 Plus- IFT physiotherapy Machine

Introducing Combo3 Plus, the ultimate solution for instant and effective treatment of back pain. This state-of-the-art IFT physiotherapy machine is designed to provide unparalleled relief and therapeutic benefits, all from the comfort of your own home or during your physiotherapy sessions.

Combining the power of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy, Combo3 Plus offers a comprehensive approach to address your back pain concerns. With its advanced IFT technology, it specifically targets pain and muscle spasms, providing targeted relief where it’s needed most.

ift physiotherapy machine treatment

Not only does Combo3 Plus alleviate pain, but it also goes the extra mile to strengthen and tone your muscles through EMS therapy. This feature is especially beneficial for those experiencing muscle weakness or atrophy due to back pain. By engaging and activating the muscles, EMS therapy helps restore their functionality and promotes overall healing.

In addition to IFT and EMS, Combo3 Plus incorporates TENS therapy, which is renowned for its fast-acting relief for chronic pain. Whether you’re suffering from long-standing back pain or seeking a swift recovery from an injury, TENS therapy can significantly reduce discomfort and enhance your healing process.

Features of Combo3 Plus 

  • 13 adjustable modes and 30 preset programs for precise treatment.
  • Versatile options for tailored therapy, maximizing effectiveness and optimizing recovery.
  • IFT technology targets pain & muscle spasms, EMS therapy strengthens muscles.
  • TENS therapy offers fast relief for chronic pain, aiding in quicker recovery.
  • Portable and lightweight design for convenient use on the go.


Don’t let back pain hinder your daily life any longer. Experience the instant and effective treatment provided by Combo3 Plus, the all-in-one IFT physiotherapy machine that targets pain, strengthens muscles, and accelerates your path to recovery. Say goodbye to back pain and embrace a pain-free and active lifestyle with Combo3 Plus.

best physiotherapy machine for pain relief