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Try something different: Bean Toast

Try something different: Bean Toast

Move over avocado toast, I’m starting a new trend: Bean Toast.

Beans are rich in fiber, a great source of potassium, and magnesium. Most Americans need more fiber in their diets. The recommended daily intake is 25 grams of fiber a day. One half cup of beans provides 8 grams. Add some fruit or a vegetable to that, along with a slice of whole grain toast, and this little snack is up to about 12 grams of fiber.

Fiber can help lower cholesterol, and stabilize blood sugars. Potassium is an important mineral to lower blood pressure. That’s why foods rich in potassium (fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy) are part of the DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).

Using canned beans makes this toast a terrific Zero Waste food, since canned beans have a good shelf life. You can keep them stocked in the pantry, and no worry about food waste.


Rosanne’s Bean Toast

This versatile toast can be enjoyed at breakfast, with lunch or as a snack. It’s as simple as opening a can of cannellini or Great Northern beans.

Author Rosanne Rust MS RDN, www.rustnutrition.com


  • 1 15-ounce can of cannellini beans drained and rinsed
  • 4 slices whole grain bread toasted
  • 1 tsp Herb de Provence
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 cup sliced grape tomatoes or chopped tomatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • chopped fresh basil, optional


  • Transfer drained and rinsed beans to a medium bowl. Mash with a fork.

  • Add the seasonings and olive oil to the beans and mix until combined

  • Spread the bean mixture onto each slice of toast.

  • Top with the tomatoes, and season.

  • Add optional basil.


This savory spread can be made and refrigerated for up to 6 days. You can spread it onto toast, or spread onto bread, top with shredded cheese and then toast. You could also drizzle it with a balsamic glaze.
Try a sweet version. Mash beans and add cinnamon, vanilla extract and honey to the them. Top with fresh berries, sliced bananas, ripe pears, or peaches. Finish with a little cinnamon or honey drizzle. Delicious and nutritious!

A word about gas

Fiber should gradually be added to the diet. Beans contain oligosaccharides (a type of carbohydrate) that our bodies have trouble digesting. The healthier your microbiome, the better your body handles beans. However beans are also good for your microbiome! They can, however, cause gas.  If soaking dry beans, discard the bean water, and change it frequently to result in less gassiness.

Canned beans are so convenient and economical that they are a great option for many people. Rinsing beans is a must – it both lowers the sodium and reduces the amount of oligosaccharides, thereby making them less “farty”. The nutrition value of beans makes it worth trying.

People who eat beans have better diet quality

Research has shown that people who include more plant foods (legumes, fruits, vegetables, grains) in their diets, have higher diet quality scores. I recently attended a conference that shared research specifically correlating bean intake with higher diet quality scores. I’ll share that when it becomes published and available.