
Care Health

Prioritize Healthy life



Applications for the 2023 Nutrition Network Medical Practitioner Certification Program have just opened!

Becoming a Nutrition Network Practitioner™ signifies that you have acquired the highest level of knowledge and skill in the field and are recognized as a certified practitioner. 

Only one Certification Program is run per year – we carefully select a handful of candidates who have done the required trainings and have what it takes to make it through our gruelling program and come out the other end a fully certified NN Practitioner. Since the launch of the certification program, we have successfully graduated 14 Medical Practitioners and are looking to welcome our next group of medical and allied healthcare workers to the 2023 Program! See what one of our Graduates had to say:

This has been the most incredible learning experience of my life! Taking part has not only helped me grow professionally and personally, I no longer feel isolated in my career and feel very connected to a broader community of like-minded individuals equally as passionate and interested in evidenced-based, root-cause healing. I feel honoured to have been selected and now a fellow graduate of the medical certification program. I feel blessed to have received professional training and mentoring by the Nutrition Network lecturers, my true heros whom I have admired for so long. I am very appreciative of all the support, guidance, and valuable insights provided by the Nutrition Network tutors, admin team as well as my fellow candidates. The gift of optimal health is priceless. Thank you to each and every one of you for not only guiding me on my own health journey and helping me reap the multiple benefits of a low carbohydrate, real food lifestyle, but also providing me with the knowledge, skills, tools, and network to spread the magic of reliable lifestyle medicine. I am now more confident in guiding my clients to embrace this healing pathway and passionate to inspire other dietitians and practitioners to opening their minds to this enriching world of valuable, trustworthy science, knowledge, and life-changing experiences. I will be forever grateful!! – Amanda Cini

The Certification Path gives our members the opportunity to establish themselves as industry leaders, in a way that is fully verified and supported by our team of experts. The vision for our Nutrition Network Practitioners™ once certified, is for them to step into the role of TCR expert and leader. This is someone who is confident in the intricacies of the science and research behind the TCR diet, someone who is able to demonstrate the capabilities necessary to prescribe the diet in practice, and is able to teach and lead others who show an interest in the field.

Candidates are carefully selected based on their unwavering passion and vision to make an impact within LCHF, as well as having complied with the following qualifying criteria.

Please complete the form at this link to apply to take part in August 2023 Medical Certification Program. This program has been designed exclusively for medical practitioners. This program only takes place once every year – we highly recommend that you submit an application as soon as possible if you are interested in taking part. 

Contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.